I cannot believe it, but we are 36 weeks into the pregnancy! I am amazed at how well this pregnancy has gone. Onna was a delight (as much as she could be... kidding) throughout the whole pregnancy. She was not overwhelmed with morning sickness. She didn't have so many aversions to foods. She did have a bit of heart burn, which I hear means our baby may have a good deal of hair.
I have been wading my way through Paramedic school one day at a time. We are close to finishing our OB/Pediatrics section just in time for this kid! The only thing is that in this line of work, we mainly learn about all the things that go WRONG! Learning about placenta previa and omphalocele have done wonders for this father to be! NOT!
Onna had hear 36 week check up with the midwife complete with blood tests and an ultrasound. All of Onna's levels are within normal limits and our baby is perfectly normal (as much as it can be being our child, anyway!). Her placenta is up high, the baby's intestines are all inside, the baby is head down and LOA (left occiput anterior) which is an optimal position... we have decided to not find out the gender to add to the surprise. The midwife knows, but we will soon find out. All that we want is a healthy baby, and it looks like we will have just that!
We are EXTREMELY excited and healthily freaked out. This is a HUGE responsibility. One day we go from no kids to 'hey, here is this baby we made who we need to be aware of for the rest of their life'. This isn't going to be someone else's kid that we can pass off when they need feeding or changing. This isn't a "trial run" where we can have the kid all day and give it back at night. No, this kid is staying for good! He or she will be held most of its early life. Someone will be holding it most of the time. We have to start thinking about teaching our child by example... living with good habits and such... have a good attitude... showing love as much as possible... this kid will see EVERYTHING we do and remember it, consciously or subconsciously. We will have to be even more accountable for our attitudes, our time, our money, etc. And that is all good.
We are looking forward to the baby coming soon!
A couple of things:
1)Thank you for updating your blog. I was tired of the pictuer of you sanding your floors. And this is a very fitting topic with which to break the silence.
2)I had horrendous heartburn with both of my children, and yet they had but a mere whisper of hair when they arrived. I felt a wee bit cheated.
3)No, you can't ever give them back. But you won't want to. And when you need a break, you find a fabulous babysitter and go to the fair and eat onion rings or you deposit the child with grandparents and go away for a weekend. Then, when you come back, there is no more beautiful sight than your child, and you're so happy you don't have to leave (him, her?) more than you do.
You guys will be great parents. Just try not to sweat the small stuff!
You are going to be an awesome Papa. I can't wait to see you in action. It's going to be very different than what we're used to but life is about change and growth. You're right about the genetics...it's going to be a fun ride! Thanks for taking it with me. You're my hero!
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