08 July 2007

Yet another project just about completed! It took the weekend but we have successfully refinished our hardwood floors!

My mother and father-in-law came down for the weekend and we rented a floor belt sander and an edger from Ho'me De'Pot. As you may recall from an earlier post, we had replaced many pieces of our hardwood floor due to termite damage. The new pieces were natural and the old pieces were some orange-brown stain.

For about 7 hours I used the floor sander with rough-medium-fine sandpaper. It got just about everything except the edges which Ron tackled with the edger. Our hallway was barely large enough to use the sander and most of it was done with the edger. I was about ready to fall over halfway through the night. We were determined to get the stain on that night so it would set over night and so we wouldn't have to wait 8 hours and get nothing done. We were up until 0300! We bought two stains. When we started putting the first one down, immediately I said "Is it just me, or is this the same color we just took off?" Onna and I hated our floors before because they were orange! What goes with orange? We couldn't have an area rug or anything because nothing (other than door-hinge) rhymes with nor matches orange! The second stain, which had my vote all along, did not have orange in it, but was more brown. It is a little darker than our original, but... so what? We are both extremely happy with the turnout. We ended up applying three coats of semi-gloss urethane to it and it looks great!

We almost have a new house!


Charis & Judah's Mom said...

hey--i thought i already commented on this one. sorry for the delay. a) you and katie are so cute in the picture. she is a cute preggo. also, your floors look fantastic! i'd love to see a picture of the painting and final arrangement when you're done, too.

Onna said...

Hey baby, I"m soooo thrilled with the results of all this hard work! Ya'll did a good job! I'm sorry I was in a 'delicate way' and couldn't be more proactive in helping. But I'm a good 'wire holder' though.
Thank you for being a great husband! I love you!